Monday, August 23, 2010

St.George's Bay,Birzebbuga

Another bay situated as you are going out of Birzebbuga is St.George's Bay. This bay is mainly used for docking boats mainly fishing boats and privately owned pleasure crafts.
An interesting fact about this bay is the findings of "cart ruts" believed to have been formed since 2000BC, although this is still a mystery.
Numerous theories about how these tracks were created are the following:

* Goods were transported here on sledges which gouged the tracks into the rock.
* The tracks are real cart ruts for transporting goods.
* It is an irrigation system.(taken from Wikipedia)

Underwater Cart Ruts and crossing St Georges Bay

The Cart Ruts (Cart Tracks) at St Georges Bay are located beside Triq Ghar Dalam, these appear to cross the bay. Also in the bay but perpendicular to the the thin road side ones, are much larger underwater Cart Ruts.
The Cart Ruts going into St Georges bay seem to stop at the waters edge although the rock shelf itself stops a few yards further on. There are "boulders" on the sea floor which may be the broken remains of the sandstone shelf. Beyond this is the normal sandy sea floor bed of the bay. (taken from


  1. Lovely pictures. Been home for just over 2 weeks now and missing being there with you all. Hopefully your blog will keep me going till next year.(if I can wait that long) :-)

    Love to all

  2. the last photo pictures my house the brown and blue one under the pavement there are cartruts too :)
